Transforming your house into an energy-efficient Healthy Home™
New Year's Resolutions for your home
December 22, 2016

As the new year draws nearer, you’re probably thinking of ways you can improve your life in 2017. Some of your resolutions may revolve around being healthier, saving money and spending more quality time with your family.

In fact, there are certain New Year’s resolutions you can establish for your home which will allow you to more easily stick to your personal goals. So, what exactly can you do for your home in 2017 to ensure it’s aligned with your resolutions?

1. Schedule a Healthy Home™ Evaluation

A Healthy Home™ Evaluation consists of a home energy audit with indoor air quality testing. It will help provide you with insights about ways in which you can improve your home to be more healthy, more comfortable and help you save more money.

2. Upgrade Air Sealing & Insulation

Inadequate air sealing and insulation can cause major comfort, health and energy inefficiency issues. Upgrading your home with new, high performance spray foam or cellulose insulation, in conjunction with performance-based air sealing can quickly provide your home with health, comfort and savings.

3. Test IAQ & Ventilate

Your home’s indoor air quality (IAQ) can greatly affect the health of you and your family. You should also regularly be checking your carbon monoxide detectors to make sure they’re working.

If you aren’t always using your bathroom vent fans or your range hood, start doing so in 2017. The pollutants and moisture from cooking and steamy bathrooms can negatively affect your indoor air quality, worsening allergy and asthma symptoms, as well as other respiratory issues.

In addition to committing to using your home’s existing ventilation, you can also improve your entire home’s IAQ with mechanical ventilation which brings fresh air in, while removing stale, polluted air.

4. Installing Efficient Heating & Cooling Systems

New energy efficient heating and cooling options allow your home to stay more comfortable year-round, while helping you avoid expensive energy bills. Upgrading your HVAC system to an ultra-efficient mini-split heat pump can help you achieve ultimate comfort and increased savings.

5. Consider Going Solar

While you may be thinking that it’s a crazy idea to install solar panels on your Northern Westchester or Putnam County home, even in this area, solar energy can help you reduce or potentially eliminate your electricity bills. You can save money initially with tax credits and incentives and then continue saving as your solar system begins generating power.

Improve with Healthy Home™

Healthy Home™ Energy & Consulting can help you keep your resolutions by making your home more energy efficient, healthy and comfortable. This will help you improve your health, increase your savings and spend more time with family and friends in a pleasant home environment. Let Healthy Home™ help you make 2017 the best year it can be!

Keep your New Year’s resolutions with help from the Healthy Home™ team. Contact us or call 914-242-9733 today to start improving your health, savings and comfort!