Healthy Home™'s trained professionals get regular updating on how to best use tools like infrared scanners (also called infrared cameras) so they can better serve our customers in North Westchester, Somers, Bedford, Chappaqua and beyond.
Thermal Imaging, also known as infrared scanning, is like an x-ray for your house. By measuring the surface temperatures and producing infrared video and still images, these tools "see" the heat as light that lies in the infra (beyond) red part of the spectrum. White is for warm areas, while cooler areas show up black.
Hot and Cold Spots Are Ripe for Home Energy Improvements!
Without disruption to your home, thermal imaging shows our home performance professionals where energy loss and air leakage problems exist. These areas are ready for home energy improvements, resulting in better indoor air quality, year-round comfort and energy savings for your family. Not only do we use infrared imaging to detect missing insulation and air leakage during an energy audit, but we can also identify plumbing leaks and unsafe electrical connections. Plumbing leaks can cause heat loss and lead to mold growth. Wet insulation conducts heat faster than dry insulation, so water leakage through the building envelope can also be identified easily with no destructive inspecting or probing.
Wet insulation conducts heat faster than dry insulation, so water leakage through the building envelope can also be identified easily with no destructive inspecting or probing.
Testing Your Home's Efficiency With Healthy Home™
Healthy Home™ uses infrared thermal imaging to improve your home airtightness when carrying out performance-based air sealing as well as other energy efficiency measures.
The thermal imaging inspection is often done from both inside and outside the house, commonly used together with a blower door test. The blower door makes the leakage areas more pronounced so they can be identified on the camera screen.
We wrap up our inspection with a comprehensive thermal imaging report that will give you a full picture of how your home is performing!