Transforming your house into an energy-efficient Healthy Home™

Keep up with our blog to stay connected to the latest topics in indoor air quality, energy efficiency and how to have a healthy home!

person turning on air purifier in home close up

If you are looking to buy an air purifier, make sure you have a plan — because the truth about portable air purifiers is that they might not accomplish the health goals you have for your Westchester County home! Schedule a Healthy Home Evaluation with Healthy Home Energy & Consulting today.

Large light gray home with white trim and manicured lawn

Learn about the potential causes behind your home’s inconsistent temperatures and how you can improve your home health and comfort with upgrades like insulation and duct sealing. Healthy Home Energy & Consulting offers Healthy Home Evaluations to develop a plan for your home improvement project.

dark bedroom with sun rising through the shades

Learn how to fix a hot room on the second floor of your Westchester County area house, through a better performing home. Healthy Home Energy & Consulting offers energy audit evaluations of your home, so you can reduce the heat that builds up in your living space. Schedule a healthy home assessment today.

whole home dehumidifier infographic healthy home energy and consulting

See how you can benefit from a whole house dehumidifier, and how you can keep your home healthy by keeping it dry. Healthy Home Energy & Consulting can assist you with all of your home dehumidification needs, and show you all of the additional ways you can live healthier in your own home. Schedule an evaluation today.

woman and her dog at home together on living room floor

Even when you already know you need an indoor air quality test, it can be tough to know when to schedule the next one. Learn about what can change your indoor air quality, and how to fix them from the IAQ experts at Healthy Home Energy & Consulting. Schedule a Healthy Home Evaluation and get an AirAdvice test today!

man at home sneezing into tissue

Looking for some relief from the seemingly year-round seasonal allergies you experience in your home? Healthy Home Energy & Consulting dives into the importance of air purification. After the results of an indoor air quality test and home evaluation, our team can pair you with the right air purification for your needs.

open window in house springtime

As spring arrives, many homeowners are opening their windows for some fresh air. But what is that outside air bringing into your home? Healthy Home Energy & Consulting offers a better, year-round solution to keeping your air fresh, clean, and healthy through whole house ventilation, purification, and filtration.

year round indoor comfort

Are you looking for a heating and cooling solution that costs less to operate and is easier to maintain? Heat pumps do all that, with heating and cooling modes in one unit! Healthy Home Energy & Consulting discusses the features of a heat pump and explains how you can use one in your Westchester County home.

home ice build up

What are the dangers of snow and ice accumulating on your New York home? Are icicles dangerous, and how can you prevent them? Healthy Home Energy & Consulting walks you through the dangers of ice dams, and how you can prevent heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures from affecting the health of your home.

house in early spring street view

Does the extra time you're spending indoors lately have you looking to upgrade your heating & cooling system? Healthy Home Energy & Consulting has the top things you should consider, like heat pump sizing & ductless mini split installation. Schedule a healthy home assessment to learn how to improve the health of your home.
